Friday, September 10, 2010

When ¨The Government¨ Betray´s

When ¨The Government¨ Betray´s ¨We The People¨ by surpassing the authority that has been vested to it by the ¨Law of The Land¨ other wise known as ¨The Constitution of The United States of America¨ What are we to do in regards to this Government that is --¨No Longer Our Own¨.

This is a REPUBLIC. The Rule of Law Applies to The Government even MORE so than any individual. Because the Rule of Law (COTUS) makes That Government Legitimate or Not.

So is it that The Constitution has Failed the People of the United States or is it maybe that we The People have Failed the Constitution.

It was Benjamin Franklin that said upon exiting the Continental Convention when asked by a Lady outside the convention as to what they had given us he replied,

¨A Republic,Madam If You Can Keep it.¨

It was with These Words that whose Duty it was to Protect What are Defined. If we and our forefathers before us have not Fought for their Rights and Liberty as described in the Constitution then I ask You Who or What has Failed to Protect the Other.


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